Carroll Park

About Carroll Park

Carroll Park is a neighborhood in West Philadelphia. Its boundaries are Lansdowne Avenue to the north, West Girard Avenue to the south, North 63rd Street to the west, and North 52nd Street to the east. Along major streets of the neighborhood, the Carroll Park Community Council, Inc. has placed banners that say “Carroll Park: Where our neighbors become friends.” The 10 trolley runs along Lansdowne Avenue and the 15 trolley runs along Girard Avenue. There is a park by the name of Carroll Park between North 59th and North 58th Streets and West Thompson Street and West Girard Avenue. Carroll Park’s residents are primarily working-class and lower-income African-Americans. The School District of Philadelphia operates the local public schools. Two charter schools and one parochial school are located in the neighborhood. source:

Carroll Park is a neighborhood in West Philadelphia. Its boundaries are Lansdowne Avenue to the north, West Girard Avenue to the south, North 63rd Street to the west, and North 52nd Street to the east. Along major streets of the neighborhood, the Carroll Park Community Council, Inc. has placed banners that say “Carroll Park: Where our neighbors become friends.” The 10 trolley runs along Lansdowne Avenue and the 15 trolley runs along Girard Avenue. There is a park by the name of Carroll Park between North 59th and North 58th Streets and West Thompson Street and West Girard Avenue. Carroll Park’s residents are primarily working-class and lower-income African-Americans.

The School District of Philadelphia operates the local public schools. Two charter schools and one parochial school are located in the neighborhood.


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Carroll Park Sales Data

Residential Sales
0 -0%

Percentage change from latest quarter vs same time period previous year

Median Sale Price
$0 -0%

Data compiled using 4th quarter 2023 data vs. same period from 2022

Median Sales Price

Q4 2023
- 0%
From Q3 2023


Population by Age Level. Median Age 36.54. Households: 4,060.

In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $35,326)

Population by Education Level

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